Bachelor of Science (Honours) Actuarial Science (R2/462/6/0009)(11/25)(MQA/A6628)

Actuarial Science encompasses the study of applied mathematics, statistics and financial theory to solve financial problems. It is a study of the financial risks associated with uncertain future events, with emphasis on assurance, property and casualty insurance, pension plans and employee benefit programmes. This programme is designed to meet the evolving needs and challenges of the insurance and investment-related industries by aligning its syllabi with the professional examination requirements. It offers subjects that have been approved by actuarial organisations for Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) credit, i.e. Economics, Accounting and Finance, and Mathematical Statistics. It covers all the topics on the CAS/SOA Probability (P) and Financial Mathematics (FM) actuarial examinations plus more than 12 semester hours on the topics for the SOA Long Term Actuarial Mathematics (LTAM), Investment and Financial Markets (IFM) and Short Term Actuarial Mathematics (STAM). Students may gain international recognition, in addition to the UTAR honours degree. To enhance their employability, this programme also equips students with IT skills.
Programme Learning Outcomes
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Actuarial Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Actuarial Science: Full course name
R2/462/6/0009: Course code
11/25: Expiry date (month/year)
MQA/A6628: Accreditation status and reference code