by Low Wuan Jing
Supervising Lecturers: Ar. Sam Chin Sing (MEAP26108 Architecture Design Thesis I) and Ar. Mel Soong Meow Sin (MEAP26608 Architecture Design Thesis II)
Mentors: Ar. Chaw Boon Kit
Human beings possess innate abilities to acquire and utilize a sophisticated communication system, utilizing our five senses to explore the environment. However, individuals who are deprived of one sensory system experience a unique sensation of the surrounding environment.
This thesis endeavors to address sensory experiences through the application of architectural design strategies, aiming to enhance learning environments and productivity spaces for individuals with hearing impairments. It delves into the distinctive living requirements and seeks to comprehend human behavior in relation to spatial utilization. Furthermore, it aims to raise public awareness regarding hearing impairment and foster positive relationships between society and the hearing-impaired community.